Train up children in the waY they should gRoW!
When then grow, they won't depart from that waY!
Let the young learn to grow from the old,
Let the old learn to grow from the aged,
Let the aged tell the ancients, "we showed the young and the old the waY. . ."
To instruct, teach and counsel is the nature of a mentoring,
ancients words lonG preserved for a prosperous walk in this life resounds in
the mouth of trusted counsellors.
Its our duty to pass down these ancient words to our children that they
would receive strength,hope and guidiance for a bright future.
a fuTure So bright, we'Ve have to weAr sunGlasses to see it.
Remember, theses worDs are ever true, changing me and changing yOu
When then grow, they won't depart from that waY!
Let the young learn to grow from the old,
Let the old learn to grow from the aged,
Let the aged tell the ancients, "we showed the young and the old the waY. . ."
To instruct, teach and counsel is the nature of a mentoring,
ancients words lonG preserved for a prosperous walk in this life resounds in
the mouth of trusted counsellors.
Its our duty to pass down these ancient words to our children that they
would receive strength,hope and guidiance for a bright future.
a fuTure So bright, we'Ve have to weAr sunGlasses to see it.

Remember, theses worDs are ever true, changing me and changing yOu