As we live everyday,orphan children live each day alone without the support and protection of parents or the love of a family environment.
As the orphans grow up in this environment they add to the crumbling family values because they have never learned parenting skills from their own mothers or fathers. They will find it difficult to be parents themselves.
The long-term repercussions of huge populations of orphans in our country will cause the very fabric of society to disappear and vast socio-economic devastation.
Children who are raising themselves will not go through the normal healthy development process but will lack food, shelter, education, nurturing, and health care.
In addition, most of the orphans live where the typical family faces poverty, malnutrition, as well as lack of safe water, sanitation, and basic health and education services.
The reasons why children continue to suffer are complex and include poverty, GREED, discrimination, lack of education, gross inequality and war. In addition, the nature of children, their age and often their dependence on adults make them especially vulnerable to abuse and exploitation.
These children are left especially defenseless. With few resources or laws in place that will protect their interests they are often left to fend for themselves. Older children become the caregivers of younger siblings, forcing them from their schooling and keeping them from a promising future.
UNICEF estimates the number of orphans at 210 million in the world today. 86 million orphans in India 44 million orphans in Africa by 2010 10 million orphans in Mexico 35,000 children die everyday from hunger and malnutrition
This is why we nEEd menTors that would raise orphans and show them the promising future ahead.
This why we your nEEd LOVE.
Your loVe gives hope and hOPe is priceLess..
JOB-inc for the orphans