LoKa wakes up and he strolls to the bathroom reluctantly to find his toothbrush he knows won't change unless a miracle takes place.He brushes and doesn't care to look at the mirror because there's no one there...so he thinks.
Loka doesn't need to guess what he's about to inhale cos he's being doing that for since he started growing his milk teeth. It's breakfast, same old baked bread for him and the other kids at HOME (orphanage)
Loka continues from where he stopped yesterday before falling asleep, yes he remembers without showing emotions. WHY ?
Why do i feel this way?
Why am i sad?
Is every like me ?
What is going to happen tomorrow and the next and the next.........(continues)?
Is there no ONE to give me answers?
Loka is convinced from within that there's really some ONE out there who can give him answers, some ONE that can change his brush, some one that can make him see himself in the mirror and smile.
Just some ONE that he can't wait to see on weekends !
It's time for lunch, Loka is interrupted.
YOU COULD be a some ONE to loka.
[Loka stands for all the lonely orphans in nigeria still clinging unto the strand of hope God has given them to wait patiently till YOU happen to them]
Pls remember the orphans closest to you today.
Visit LINKACHILD.ORG to find out the closest orphanage near you.
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